
J Premier Pitch

Premier quality football & rugby stadia


● 20% Europitch [Perennial Ryegrass]

No. 1 rated for visual merit under high wear

STRI Rating 7.8

● 20% Eurodiamond [Perennial Ryegrass]

Provides high shoot density and rapid recovery

under intensive winter sports wear

STRI Rating 7.6

● 20% Gildara [Perennial Ryegrass]

Combining best in class genetic turf colour

with outstanding wear tolerance, shoot density,

recovery and disease resistance including

Brown Patch

STRI Rating 7.7

● 20% Monroe [Perennial Ryegrass]

The top-ranked all-rounder – shoot density, fine

leaf, recovery, disease resistance and coverage

STRI Rating 7.5

20% Saila [Perennial Ryegrass]

Improved visual merit and high wear tolerance

STRI Rating 7.6

 treated, maximises seedling development 

Purity you can rely on 


Read more on Brown Patch HERE



Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

Wear tolerance
Red thread tolerance
Salt tolerance
Fast establishment

Providing exceptional wear tolerance, recovery, disease resistance and a camera-friendly finish for both natural and hybrid pitches, it’s no surprise that J Premier Pitch delivers proven performance at many of Europe’s leading football and rugby stadia.


Sowing rate - 35-75g/m2

Oversowing - 25-75g/m2

Mowing height - Down to 18mm