

Lolium westerwoldicum

Annual ryegrass turf type

Advanced turf type annual ryegrass

Quick Facts
AXCELLA 1 is an advanced turf type annual ryegrass. It was developed from unique dwarf annual ryegrass plants that exhibit greater shoot density, narrower leaf blades, less vertical leaf growth, and a darker green leaf colour than standard annual ryegrass cultivars.

Strong seedling vigour
AXCELLA 1 exhibits strong seedling vigour for a weed free turf that requires less pesticide use.

Exclusively for winter overseeding
AXCELLA 1 features dense durable turf, reduced athletic field wear, and a more aesthetically appealing turf. AXCELLA was developed for winter overseeding of dormant bermudagrass and other warm season turf and where rapid spring transition is desired. Later it has shown fantastic opportunities for cool season pitch recovery.

Recommended use
It is best utilized on athletic fields, play grounds and home lawns mowed at 1,5 cm or higher. It is THE choice for recovery and prevention of damaged areas when standard solutions are insufficient.





Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

Red thread tolerance
Salt tolerance
Fast establishment
  • Increased density and fineness
  • Darker green and wear tolerant
  • Rapid spring transition
  • Strong seedling vigour