

Festuca trachyphylla

Hard fescue

Simply the best...

Needle's Eye
Hard Fescue is a species very difficult to improve and only a few selections pass the eye of the needle and enter the French National catalogue.
DUMAS 1 did it!

Top Ratings
Not a surprise that DUMAS 1 made it - it accumulates top scores for all features with no weak sides at all. In particular DUMAS 1 withstands all major diseases, including leaf spot.

Summer & Winter aspect both at high level
One reason for choosing hard fescue is a rather good appearance in dry conditions - and DUMAS 1 does very well during summer. With a fine winter aspect, it allows high general impression year round.



Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

Red thread tolerance
Salt tolerance
Close mowing tolerance
  • High tolerance to all major diseases
  • High persistency
  • Summer and winter appearance at top level
  • Improved wear tolerance

Index of uses

Source: Bulletin Gazon 2007 (France) - 1-9, 9=best

Persistency, summer visual merit and colour

Bulletin Gazon 2007 (France) - 1-9=best/darker